Calgary Electrician

Commercial Electrical Services - Certified Electrician Calgary

Looking for Commercial Electrical Companies In Calgary? We’re ready to help you complete your upcoming project, whether it’s for new construction or an existing commercial property. We can work to spec or design + build to best suit your project.

We work well with both clients and other contractors and trades, and will always work hard to meet and exceed your expectations and complete work quickly and efficiently. Top Certified Electrician in Calgary.

Commercial Electrical Services in Calgary from The Electrical Connection include:

Service and Panel Upgrades

If your commercial property’s electrical needs are beyond what your current service and panel will allow, an upgrade is in order. We are on of the Leading Commercial Electrical Companies In Calgary.

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Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Our highly qualified personnel will diagnose and fix problems quickly and efficiently.

Power Distribution

We’ll ensure your high voltage power source is properly distributed throughout your property as required. Transformer installation and troubleshooting service available.

Equipment Hook-ups

We can take care of your equipment hook-up needs, from motors to injection moulding equipment to HVAC and air handlers, and much more.

Emergency Lighting & Exits

We can ensure your property or project meets requirements for ELS (Emergency Lighting Supplies) according to current Building Codes.

Energy Efficient Lighting

Reduce energy costs while improving lighting control and your property’s overall electricity use.

Light Industrial

We’re not just commercial electrical specialists – we can also handle your light industrial needs as well.

and much more.

Let's Talk.

If you’re ready to get started, contact us today to get the ball rolling.

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